Chevella, a town and Mandal in the Ranga Reddy district of Telangana, stands as a suburban enclave of Hyderabad. Serving as the administrative hub for surrounding villages, it houses key government establishments such as the Judicial court, Revenue Division Office, and ACP office under the Cyberabad Metropolitan Police.
Regarding the real estate landscape, Chevella Road boasts a variety of properties. Approximately 17% of listings fall within the ₹60 lakh to ₹80 lakh range, while 13% are priced between ₹80 lakh and ₹1 crore. The predominant room configuration is the 3 BHK layout, representing about 37% of all properties for sale. Moreover, Multistorey Apartments make up a substantial portion, comprising 36% of the properties along Chevella Road.
In summary, Chevella Road offers a diverse selection of properties, accommodating different budgetary needs and preferences. With the majority favoring 3 BHK configurations, it reflects the evolving demands of homebuyers in the area.